Home / Data: Planet, Coastlines, Buildings, Admins, Roads / Attribution

Daylight Earth Table

Overview: Building, Infrastructure, Land, Landuse, Placename, POI, Road, Transit, Water

Theme: road

Vehicular transportation and pedestrian walkways

Metadata keys

key name description of values
disused:highway is not null  
is_bridge true if bridge in (aqueduct, boardwalk, cantilever, covered, low_water_crossing, movable, trestle, viaduct, yes)
is_covered true if covered=yes
is_oneway true if oneway in (yes, 1) and false if oneway=no
is_pedestrian true if (foot is not NULL and foot != no) or (bicycle is not NULL and bicycle != no)
is_tunnel true if tunnel in (building_passage, covered, yes)
lanes value of lanes
layer value of layer
level value of level
length_m length of feature in meters (if a line)
maxspeed value of maxspeed
relation_distance value of distance in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_id value of _id in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_name value of name in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_network value of network in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_ref value of ref in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_route value of route in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_symbol value of symbol in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_toll value of toll in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_type value of type in the feature’s OSM relation
relation_wikidata value of wikidata in the feature’s OSM relation
surface value of surface
surface_area_sq_m area of the feature in square meters (if a polygon)
theme Earth Tables theme (in this case, road)
width value of width:carriageway or width
wikidata Wikidata ID (if present)

OSM tags included (filter)

tag name required? values included
amenity optional parking
bicycle_road optional yes
cycleway optional any
foot optional no (if highway=bridleway)
footway optional access_aisle, crossing, path, sidewalk
highway optional bridleway, crossing, cycleway, footway, living_street, motorway, motorway_link, path, pedestrian, primary, primary_link, raceway, residential, road, secondary, secondary_link, service, steps, tertiary, tertiary_link, track, trunk, trunk_link, unclassified, via_ferrata
indoor required NULL or no
man_made optional bridge
place optional square
service optional alley, driveway, parking_aisle

Feature counts per class and subclass in Daylight v1.55

ClassSubclassFeature CountExample Feature in OSM
cycleway bicycle 1,656,537 w277520911@1
cycleway crossing 149,128 w926857520@3
local residential 66,694,181 w27720953@3
local track 26,765,907 w449803402@4
local unclassified 17,336,901 w863341794@2
local living_street 1,982,208 w225531996@1
local road 50,141 w523444579@1
motorway trunk 1,761,294 w1007784366@5
motorway motorway 1,219,535 w95231743@8
motorway motorway_link 846,458 w82582598@1
motorway trunk_link 537,475 w1120099548@3
parking parking 5,149,971 w389892015@2
pedestrian footway 15,000,224 w943742166@4
pedestrian path 14,402,547 w458387585@1
pedestrian crossing 13,175,806 n1986470679@2
pedestrian sidewalk 5,110,802 w975289510@1
pedestrian steps 1,703,094 w281098913@1
pedestrian pedestrian_mall 790,241 w143041321@3
pedestrian access_aisle 61,648 w1302942025@1
pedestrian bridleway 52,579 w381984756@4
pedestrian square 11,123 w713801194@1
primary primary 3,603,127 w1056540216@4
primary primary_link 452,389 w30046637@6
recreation raceway 40,632 w600561274@1
recreation via_ferrata 2,933 w1303126242@1
secondary secondary 5,210,522 w727784281@4
secondary secondary_link 351,936 w963751973@1
service service 33,312,431 w295450346@4
service driveway 15,514,659 w889254010@1
service parking_aisle 6,414,935 w647817528@2
service alley 1,741,923 w181483428@3
tertiary tertiary 8,140,640 w18926803@5
tertiary tertiary_link 256,783 w725459600@1

Zoom level recommendations for feature rendering

when feature
subclass in (motorway, trunk) 5 16
subclass in (motorway_link, trunk_link) 7 16
subclass=primary 8 16
subclass in (primary_link, secondary, tertiary) 10 16
subclass in (access_aisle, secondary_link, tertiary_link, living_street, pedestrian_mall, residential, square, track, unclassified) 12 16
subclass in (bicycle, bridleway, crossing, footway, path, road, raceway, service, sidewalk, steps) 13 16
subclass=parking_aisle 14 16

Other notes