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Daylight Map Distribution v0.8 Released

Feb 12th, 2021

After skipping January to have a nice break for the holidays, today we’re getting back onto our monthly release cycle for Daylight in 2021. Version 0.8 is now available for download.

📥 Download Daylight Map Distribution right now in OpenStreetMap PBF format: 📦 planet-v0.8.osm.pbf (61.9GB)

New Community Buildings

One enhancement to the Microsoft Buildings Footprint addition to Daylight v0.8 is the addition of buildings data from Esri Community Maps contributors. Esri has an active Community Maps program through which authoritative data providers can share their data with Esri to be used in Esri maps and services. Beginning last summer, Esri Community Maps contributors now also have the option to share their data with other mapping platforms, including OpenStreetMap.

For the latest update to Daylight, Esri has shared an initial set of building footprints from Esri Community Maps contributors with Microsoft, which has conflated these buildings with its ML generated building footprints to produce a single dataset. The initial set of building footprints from Esri includes over 8.4 million buildings from 71 cities, counties, and campuses in the United States, many of which include additional tags such as name and address. These building footprints often improve upon the positional accuracy and feature tags of the Microsoft Buildings Footprint addition to Daylight. Additional Esri Community Maps data will be added in future updates.

Download building footprints in OSC format: 📦 ms-ml-buildings-v0.8.osc.bz2 (10.6GB)

Coastlines Are Back

We omitted the coastline file from December’s v0.7 release, but now it’s back. Download v0.8 matching coastlines in Shapefile format: 📦 daylight-v0.8-coastlines.tgz (734MB)

v0.8 Summary

Users often ask questions about what features we’re specifically filtering for publication with Daylight. As we’ve evolved our process over the past months, we’ve made it easier to share details about our work on the data. For v0.8, analyst Charmaine Bonifacio assembled all the issues we found when constructing v0.8:

How To Reach The Team

If you have any questions about this data distribution, we have created a #daylightdistro_feedback Slack channel in OSM US. Members of the team will be there periodically to answer questions. You can also email the team at osm@fb.com.

Attached Files