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Daylight Map Distribution v1.0 Released

Apr 12th, 2021

Version 1.0 of Daylight Map Distribution now available for download.

📥 Download Daylight Map Distribution right now in OpenStreetMap PBF format: 📦 planet-v1.0.osm.pbf (62.9GB)

As always, coastlines, administrative boundaries, and buildings from our collaborators at Esri and Microsoft are also available:

v1.0 Summary

Version 1.0 marks Daylight’s transition from a limited-time experimental project to an ongoing commitment to release quality-checked open data consistent with the base map needs of the team behind Daylight, including Esri, Facebook, and Microsoft.

Users often ask questions about what features we’re specifically filtering for publication with Daylight. As we’ve evolved our process over the past months, we’ve made it easier to share details about our work on the data. For v1.0, analyst Charmaine Bonifacio assembled all the issues we found when constructing v1.0:

How To Reach The Team

If you have any questions about this data distribution, we have created a #daylightdistro_feedback Slack channel in OSM US. Members of the team will be there periodically to answer questions. You can also email the team at osm@fb.com.

Attached Files